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The construction of HVACs and gas installations is a specialized activity that requires not only dexterity but also education, licenses and permits. Our installation crews are young, ambitious and educated people who have completed the necessary courses and training for HVAC, plumbing and gas installations. The assembly activity is managed by our technical managers, who completely organize and control the activity of the sites. We have all the necessary equipment for performing assembly and welding works with metal, polyethylene and polypropylene pipes. We have the necessary equipment to start, control and adjust the boiler installations, ventilation and air-conditioning chambers. Every year, our leading technicians undergo training courses at the factories of our main partners - WOLF-Heiztechnik - Germany and MINIB - Czech Republic. There, they refresh their knowledge of installation and commissioning of equipment, maintenance and maintenance, as well as get acquainted with the latest developments in the leading European production. We offer and recommend to our clients annual maintenance and service contracts for the installations we have built. Prevention of installations is a guarantee of their long service life