↵Narrow floor convector with a fan.CHARACTERISTIChigh forced convection heating efficiency
rapidly reacting heating unit
heats even when the fan is turned off
low electrical energy consumption
safe 12V DC voltage
simple controlDIMENSIONSWidth 164 mm
Build height..
Lowest floor convector with a fan of the KT/MT series.CHARACTERISTIChigh forced convection heating efficiency
rapidly reacting heating unit
heats even when the fan is turned off
low electrical energy consumption
safe 12V DC voltage
simple controlDIMENSIONSWidth 303 mm
Build h..
Floor convector with a fan with optional input of fresh air.CHARACTERISTICconnection to ventilation outlet
very high forced convection heating effi ciency
rapidly reacting heating unit
heats even when the fan is turned off
low electrical energy consumption
safe 12V DC voltage
simple co..
Basic and most popular floor convector with a fan of the KT3 series.CHARACTERISTICvery high forced convection heating efficiency
rapidly reacting heating unit
heats even when the fan is turned off
low electrical energy consumption
safe 12V DC voltage
simple controlDIMENSIONSWi..
Very efficient convector with a fan of the KT3 series.CHARACTERISTICvery high forced convection heating efficiency
rapidly reacting heating unit
heats even when the fan is turned off
low electrical energy consumption
safe 12V DC voltage
simple controlDIMENSIONSWidth 243 mm
Most efficient floor convector with a fan for an interior with a wet environment.CHARACTERISTICvery high forced convection heating efficiency
rapidly reacting heating unit
heats even when the fan is turned off
safe 12V AC voltage
suitable primarily for swimming pools
simple control..
Most efficient floor convector with a fan of the KT/MT series.CHARACTERISTICvery highly efficient forced convection heating
rapidly reacting heating unit
heats even when the fan is turned off
low electrical energy consumption
safe 12V DC voltage
simple controlDIMENSIONSWidth 3..
Floor convector without fan PB110eGalvanized steel tub
Universal water connection
High output of natural convectionCHARACTERISTICEconomy Line
High output in proportion to the width
Short response time
Right-left designDIMENSIONSWidth 180 mm
Build height 110 mm
Length 90..
Floor convector without fan PB90eGalvanized steel tub
Universal water connection
High output of natural convectionCHARACTERISTICEconomy Line
High output in proportion to the width
Short response time
Right-left designDIMENSIONSWidth 180 mm
Build height 90 mm
Length 900 ..
Floor convector without fan PM110eGalvanized steel tub
Universal water connection
High output of natural convectionCHARACTERISTICEconomy Line
High output in proportion to the width
Short response time
Right-left designDIMENSIONSWidth 260 mm
Build height 110 mm
Length 90..